Friday 2 March 2012

Rising Star Outreach of India

Part Two: Where I Am and What I'm Doing!

For centuries, leprosy has been regarded world wide as a treacherous and contagious disease, and in some cultures, it is still viewed as a curse from God. In the Indian Caste System, leprosy victims are seen as "untouchables", the lowest of lows. They are completely rejected and cast out from society. They are forced to live in leprosy colonies and are reduced to begging and starving. In reality, leprosy is completely curable and difficult to contract. Rising Star's Mission is to help the leprosy colonies throughout India to become healthy, educated, self-sufficient, thriving communities. They do this in three main ways: By providing medical care for leprosy patients through mobile medical units, by supplying micro-loans for patients to create small businesses within the colonies, and by educating the children of the colonies.

Rising Star Outreach is located in Southeastern India on the outskirts of a small village called Thottanaval (about 2 hours South of Chennai). It is very hot and humid here, and altogether much more tropical than I would have expected. I don't know if I just got lucky coming at the time of year that I did, but from that first day, I was absolutely captivated by the beauty of the land. Everything here is such a fresh, lush, green color and the palm trees and rice fields go on and on (Awnanawnanawn) I like to tell people that I live in a little piece of heaven! :)

The 193 children that are selected from numerous colonies in Southern India come to Rising Star and live in hostels on campus with a lot of the staff and with the volunteers. I am currently serving as the Promethean Spark Dance Master at Rising Star. All of the dance classes and our Life Dance Troupe are run by Promethean Spark, an organization that teaches life skills to impoverished youth through the performing arts. I teach every grade at the school (UKG-10th Standard) and rehearse with Life Dance daily. I travel out to the leprosy colonies twice a week to assist in the medical treatment of the patients, some of whom are the parents and grandparents of my students. When I'm not teaching dance, I am tutoring English and teaching Biology at the school. I like to think that I make some small difference in the world as I teach the kids, but in reality they are the ones who are teaching me every day. They are the embodiment of unconditional love and I am just having the time of my life spending every moment I can with them!

 Hello, and welcome to Rising Star! I love the Hindu temple and the cow in the background. So India.

 There is absolutely nothing like the green rice fields.... SO BEAUTIFUL!

 The sun setting over our little village, Thottanaval!

 My darling little home on campus, the Green House :)

 Vimalkanth, Deepenraj, and Ashok! Three of my talented Life Dance boys.

C. Vignesh. Boom Bam Baby!

 Favorite. The babies all snuggled up on the floor together.

 Two of my gorgeous UKG girls dressed in their very best for the Pongal Festival. :) Pongal is a three day Hindu holiday celebrating the new year. On the third day of the festival this year, all of the children got to take a walk in to the village square with the volunteers to see all of the decorated cows, tribal drumming, and food offerings to the gods from the villagers. 

My favorite cows at Pongal. :)

 A water fight at 6:00 pm in the dead of winter and it's a whopping 75 degrees.... Love it!

 Our BEAUTIFUL school building.

 Vinodhini, my Life Dance VP, and little UKG Tamilarisi. When I look at this picture, a certain phrase comes to mind. "Something about these kids..... They just nestle right into your heart!"
 -Kenady Bunker

 Buying flowers in Changalpattu, the closest city to Thottanaval. All of the women here dress SO immaculately. They always wear vibrant, fresh flowers in their hair. Almost every morning I'm at the school, I get flowers pinned in my hair by one of the teachers or children.

 Playing with the older girlies in the hostel. They LOVE taking pictures!

 I love the tall trees! So breathtaking!

 Gotta love the dish outside the grass hut... Ty, this one's for you. ;) AUTOMATIC SALE!

 A favorite patient of mine from Walagabad!

Samma and I getting in our daily worship at the temple in Bethelnagar..... Hooommmm Mannepadddme Mmmmmmmmm........


  1. Oh my goodness Kelli I am sooo jealous of you! I am so impressed with the work you are doing, I know you are just such a blessing and light to all those kids!
    P.S. Congrats on BYU! love ya!

  2. HILL!!! Oh my heavens above, I miss you. Thanks, you are such a sweetheart! :) What's your email?? We need to chat :)

    1. I must agree! it's! Lurve you!
