Saturday 7 April 2012

Ode to Street Food

You know, they say that as a general rule, that you should avoid street food in India.

Brooke and I like to take every possible opportunity, when venturing to a new destination with a tasty sensation, to break this rule.

Whether it be Nelvoy Junction or Varanasi, Changalpattu or Delhi, there is always a new deep fried wonder just waiting to be discovered.

I figure, hey, if I get sick, it will likely pass within a day. Besides, as we like to say in the Green House: 'I mean, I don't think every single serving would have a tape worm......'

We've been pretty lucky so far (knock on wood!) and it has been TOTALLY WORTH IT!

After a wonderful stop this evening at our favorite parotta stand on the way home from the beach, I couldn't help but to come home and express my appreciation for this Indian wonder.

So please enjoy my Ode to Street Food (dedicated to the parotta stand over the bridge):

Carefully measure, mix, and prepare.

Roll into balls with tender care.

Stack and place, one by one.

Cook by fire, and then you're DONE!

A definite beauty for the eye to behold, 
Flakey, yet dense, crisp, warm and gold,
Banana leaf on bottom, spicy sauce to the right, 
My favorite way to spend the night. 

Cheers :)

1 comment:

  1. What talent! (His with the food and your's with the rhymes!)
